You have the strength to start all over again

You have the strength to start all over again

It is never never too late to begin again.

You can start all over again, it is hard and sometimes you leave people behind but it is important that you love your life. ~ Holly McCarren

I have come a long way and I’m proud to see myself where I am today. I am at peace with myself and content with simple things in my life. Don’t have to work hard for any material things for me to acquire because it only causes confusion and anxieties which I don’t need in my life. ~ Norma Powell

I got so very tired of the life I was living, so I left it. And now, I have a really good life. I have no judgemental family, but that’s ok. You are never too old to start over. I did at age 65. I am now 72. ~ Joyce Drummond

We only have one life to live. Enjoy every moment of it. We are free to make our own choices. ~ Georgette Kaszubinski

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