You have no idea who I am

You have no idea who I am

The top of the iceberg represent how much you know about yourself, and the bottom part of it below the sea which is hidden represent the hidden potential the person has. Or the iceberg that is seen above the sea represent a problem we can see, but below represent something that is hidden which is much bigger than what was seen on the surface. ~ Siew Guek

You see outside of a person is only the tip of the ice-berg. What’s within a person is much deeper, higher and bigger than what we can even imagine. It’s unlimited in its very essence. ~ Dina Faria

So is above as is below. 10% conscious vs. 90% subconscious. The power lies in getting in touch with the 90%. ~ Yoshiko Inagaki

God Grant each person someone in their life who is willing to explore the depths. ~ Almita Palomita

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