When you are giving someone your time

When you are giving someone your time

No time given to another is ever lost. Giving time is almost like giving forgiveness. It enriches you much more than the other person. ~ Kris Kiley 
When you give your time remember it is special and don’t waste it on people who only care about what they want, not you! Be selective, don’t let people use you for their own agenda and then throw you away! Just remember God sees all! So don’t worry, you did the right thing even when they don’t! ~ Darlene Nelson 
It costs you nothing, gives someone inspiration and provides you with a sense of gratitude for making the right decision. Now go give up some time of yourself, for you and them. ~ Jim Schleis 
In this busy world nobody has time others, so if anybody gives you their valuable time that would be the greatest gift of all. ~ Rita Siluvai 
There are some who have no problem with you giving them your time but have none for you. Be careful who you give your time to because they may not give it back. Spend your time on people who are worth it and appreciate it. ~ Jack Hammontree 

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