There is a purpose for everybody you meet

There is a purpose for everybody you meet

Don’t ever forget our roots. The people who impacted our lives. Be faithful!

Don’t judge people by appearances. A rich heart may be under a poor coat. ~ Unknown

I have met a few that served me the latter, brought out the best in me and it was a wonderful feeling. I have savored every moment of it while it lasted and was happy to obliged to be used. I did the same. So happy to have these kind of friends and they will last forever in your memories. ~ Norma Powell 

Be kind to all, never doubt, always trust, give benefit of the doubt, believe in change, it is what it is, God is good, don’t take everything so literally, sometimes people say things just to say them, don’t get mad fast at any of this, everything is a lesson or a test, so live like there’s no tomorrow, so that if nothing else you can get out of making plans for the future. ~ Melissa Richardson

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