Just like real weather brings storms into our lives which kind of clear the dirt and residue off of things so do these different kind of storms enter our lives occasionally. We don’t usually like them but whether we know it or not we need them to cleanse our own lives of the unwanted residue. Not always but frequently things do get better after the storm. I guess the storm kind of sets the table for us then we must decide if we sit at the table or walk away from it. The storm gives us options. It may not be the options we wanted but usually it’s what we needed. ~ Tad White
Be patient and try something worthwhile and beneficial for yourself to work on while waiting the storm to passover you. Never counteract the storm just live with it. God doesn’t work in our lives when we struggle. God works only with us when we pray. So pray and hope everything will be alright. ~ Regie Harnero
You will be wet, you will be exhausted, you will be tired, you will be dead until the rainbow starts showing up then you will feel blessed.