Tell your child, I love you

Tell your child, I love you

Every day, night and even in my sleep, I whispered that, “I love my Wife and Children so much.” Wishing to be with them in a dream and home with them. ~ Basilio Abis

I say it all throughout the day and with my teenager as often as he’ll allow. We should never miss a chance to tell our loved ones we love them but more importantly we should never miss a chance to show it. ~ Wee Carole

Reassurance that we love them and we are always there for them when they need us. ~ Marivic Dator 

It is just as important to show them by the quality of time you spend with them, the moments you share, and the memories you make special in their lives and in their hearts. ~ Suzann Cifranic

One day they will be all grown up and out of the house to life their own life and then I can’t do it that much anymore. ~ Adel Duvenage 

Try to plan ‘alone time’ with your child. Even if it’s the cheapest meal in the world, they will thrive in having your undivided attention. ~ Karen Morrison

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