Let go of everyone and everything negative in your life and just move forward. The peace you will find is amazing.
It may not be easy but definitely worth it. Don’t let anyone suck the happiness out of you.
To let go is not to deny, but to accept. To let go does not mean to forget, it means to acknowledge that to be fully alive, one must be willing to experience the depth of human emotion and embrace it all. To let go is to fear less and love more. ~ Marjorie Shalita
Although some things or people we can not just let go of responsibility, but have to just close our feelings and not allow the control to continue. ~ Lori Cosentino
You can only achieve this when you pray and put those worries/sadness/anger in God’s hands, but you need to keep praying. ~ Cheryl Biermann
Fair enough but can still love them xx