Moving on doesn’t take a day

Moving on doesn't take a day

A broken heart doesn’t heal overnight. It takes time, but time is the best healer too.

Each step of the journey is worth it and brings you closer to your destination. ~ Annie Berber 

Wounds are healed up with time, but the scars stay there always to remind you of the wounds and pains. ~ Asha Buzz 

It takes time and patience. By the time you realize it you’ve gone through the worst you look back and say how do I get through it all. ~ Tommie Gonzalez 

When it’s not your choice but circumstances make it impossible to hold on, letting go and moving on can be even more difficult. ~ Kim Strickland 

Life is a matter of choices (truly) choose to wallow in misery or choose to move on (that’s all) Simply we are either spiritual being choosing to ‘act for ourselves’ or spiritual beings being acted upon. Still such is the journey for each of us to learn. ~ Mark Whaanga 

Being hurt and moving on is so difficult ever to do so. I’m deeply hurt emotionally but I know I can get it through. Hard to pretend happy especially you know that deep inside your not feeling well. ~ Lanie Villaroya 

A lot of baby steps, a lot of falling down and getting back up again and an ocean of tears. The healing journey can take the rest of your life and then some, but never ever be discouraged no matter how hard it may seem at times. Healing yourself is one of the best things you can do for yourself, humanity and the planet. My love goes out to anyone who is brave enough to walk the path of healing. ~ Susie Mason 

Give yourself time and lots of band aids. Make sure you let yourself heal from the inside out! You will be amazed at your transformation. ~ Bonnie Dening 

I got so fed up of hearing that I needed to pull myself together, move on, get over it etc. & I wasn’t ready or strong enough to do it. In fact I still have bad days where I just want to curl up & cry & block the world out. We should take each day as it comes. Take all the time we need to heal. ~ Hazel Kenworthy 

God is a great healer! If you surrender everything to him he will take all your worries, burden and sadness and replace them with love, wholeness and joy. ~ Jing Balisi 

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