If you live in the past

Leave the Past in the Past

Learn from the past. Keep good memories. Enjoy the present!

Some bridges are worth burning just so you don’t cross them again.

If you live in the past, the present will forget you and the future will be lost to you forever. We must bury the past, live in the present and look forward to the future. ~ Margaret Young 

You can’t be healthy and happy until you unpack your baggage and sort it out. Deal with your past so you can actually move forward. ~ Elsa Cardinal 

Past has passed, not worth your effort living in the past, re-living the good memories that can uplift you is great but not to the point that you’re missing out on your present. We cannot burn the past, the experiences, people and events are the things that made us who we are today as long we came out stronger and wiser but not mentally strung up or drained. If the past made us fall, we were able to get up shake the dust off and kept going or else we won’t be here. ~ Norma Powell 

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