You can’t control another person. You have to find your own peace.
Releasing them and ourselves– helps the negative karmic dance to come to an end for both parties. ~ Deepa Menon
If you really love them you have to let them go because love doesn’t seek to control and it has to be given freely.
Worst thing is being in love with someone and they are no longer in love with you, the sooner you know the easier it is to move on. The longer a couple stays together the more the hate starts, so the sooner your honest about the relationship the better you can deal with the break up. Who knows down the road you both can get together again. ~ Mike Rizzo
Remember that they don’t have to be in your presence to be in your heart. But, anyone who does not appreciate us is only a distraction from living a life that will allow someone who will appreciate us to enter it. ~ Kelly Roussanoff
Absolutely true one cannot force someone to love them. It’s better to release that person than to pretend or hope.