If they are not going to change, you change by letting them go. You create peace with yourself! ~ Trina Fortune
I gave someone who hurt me badly a second chance. 30 years later and he broke my heart and hurt me again, people don’t change even with age. ~ Pat Burke
Hopefully you can cut them off from your life or at least try to avoid them as best you can. They don’t deserve your time. If for whatever reason you can’t avoid them, you need to remove them from your mind. Don’t let them get the better of you, you deserve better. ~ Amrita Sen
It took me 22 years and 9 months of marriage to the wrong man who was abusive in numerous ways, mentally, physically, emotionally and financially. I left finally and it was one of the scariest, hardest, challenging and difficult times in my life but I have never felt happier. It has been 14 years now and I am thankful I did not allow him to block the light from my life. You can make changes to help yourself, you just need to stand up and honor your Self or no one else will. ~ Julie Ramirez
Walk away, still pray but separate from the pain and emotional drama. No one deserves a toxic relationship! ~ Mie Paige
The reason why they do that (hurt others) is because they are hurting and they have no true relationship with God because when you repent you are saying you’re sorry and it won’t happen again. ~ Leslia Parkman