Sometimes it’s actually your head that gets broke, confusing and painful but so wonderful when you fix it. I met the most wonderful man after kissing a lot of sleazy frogs, be patient and it comes to you, in the right time. ~ Jess Flutterby
Such changes makes someone more better than what was earlier.
Love teaches you a lot about people. We all need and want love. We actually crave it more. That’s when we become rebound people. After we have been hurt so badly. ~ Shirley Morgan
First you go through the grieving stages of a loss and after you go through all of those stages, hopefully you will be able to come out a better person and a wiser person. ~ Patricia Hudson
Heartbreak can leave to a broken heart………many know in the personal and never recover……but we forget in business area everyday working relationships the employer/employee…….customer/client and so on is precious……we all have to eat, we all have to get up the next day and go to work…….some feel they know more,want more,so take more, and leave no hostages that can breath to start again…………..I suggest to you who use your businesses to cut peoples’ throats you not only break their hearts you bleed them to death.Which is your purpose and If your objective is to destroy well the day it happens to you just remember the lives you took away whether single or in relationships and families.Their incomes,their pensions, their existence
and their reason for meaning and being And please don’t cry to me you just got it after you have for years plotted taking everyone down in the process so you only see yourself and be the like the nursery rhyme Little Jack Horner who really only ends up with his thumb saying what a good boy am I, oh yeah, good luck with that Jack.