Forget those people who left you

Forget those people who left you in your past

Grow where you’re planted. 

Faith is the assured expectations of things to happen though not beheld yet because of belief it will. It gives the hope of assurance. We wait and we live according to that faith, though sometimes it already happened and staring at our faces we still don’t recognize it because it happened the way we did not expect it to. ~ Norma Powell 

It hurts because we get too attached to how we want it to be. If we are open to the Flow of the Universe its easier. ~ Diana O’Connell 

That’s the reason I don’t make planes. They rarely realize in the way I wanted and I don’t like to depend on some other’s will. I rather want to believe that we can influence active on our destiny, instead of passive waiting that something happens. ~ Dijana Haseljic 

It’s the Lord that works our paths out + knows our destination, we just need to follow His ways + have Faith to Believe what is not seen but is our eternal destiny love. ~ Jeanette Bishop 

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