What you don’t know wont hurt you. Always put your self on the shoes of others the world is round. ~ Rheji Dela Cruz
Judging is literally impossible to do once one understands real or unconditional love. No matter what people tell us or try to convince us, we actually change in all aspects of our thought process once real love is applied in our lives and suddenly we feel sorry for any and all who feel the need to harm others. ~ David Townley
More often than not, people have no interest in getting to know anyone. It’s more entertaining for them to make assumptions that are not always flattering of any strangers so they can laugh about it. My opinion of the average human is dipping into the negative side of the decency scale lately. ~ Stephanie Guess
Do not judge so you won’t be judged and cry foul. Do not project yourself on somebody else (your weaknesses, faults,shortcomings,insecurities all together are very negative traits) Do not elevate yourself at the expense of another person, instead try to be good, kind and compassionate putting yourself in someone’s else’s position try to empathize where the other person is coming from then if you want to help them do not hesitate to lend a hand not to be look up to. When you help or give it should be willing heart that motivates you not a hidden motive of “what’s in it for me?”. Even the recipient cannot return the favour, you will be rewarded by the one who have eyes on both righteous and wicked people. Do not give to people like politicians they want media exposure and be known to their being charitable or philanthropist when deep within that’s not who they really are. ~ Norma Powell
Your living is determined not so much by what life brings you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens. ~ Olga Lawrence
I wouldn’t even dare to judge. Who are we to judge? ~ Axel Oberhauser