Don’t wake up in the morning with regrets

Don't wake up in the morning with regrets

If you want something bad enough in life then get it, create it, chase it and take it. Don’t be afraid. You would be surprised.

Be true to yourself. Get out on the limb and see what you can accomplish in life after all it is your life. ~ Christie Harvey

You don’t forget those people who don’t treat you right, you pray for them that they might have a change of heart and realize that someday they will be treated unfairly by people that they think will love them. We do have regrets sometimes especially if we always think about the consequences of our choices backed by actions that we miscalculate the expense of such acts and it costing us a high price because we have put forth all the effort, energy and resources thinking that outcome will be satisfying. ~ Norma Powell

Too much time is wasted on discussing how others are acting badly, of why they act that way. Minutes turn into hours. Why give others your precious time. Its your time so use it wisely to laugh, love and talk to those like minded friends that give you a reason to enjoy life as its meant to be enjoyed. We are all here for a reason, so don’t waste this wonderful life, not even for a second. ~ Alison Ford

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