Being in a relationship with someone who fills your heart with doubt

Being in a relationship with someone who fills your heart with doubt

It is better to be single that to be in a relationship which causes you grief and pain.

Make sure it isn’t your own doubt. ~ Joseph Palen 

Being single is also better than being in a relationship with someone who will break your heart. ~ Phyllis Devlin 

Releasing a partner who we may care about, but whose path has diverged from ours, is an act of self respect. By letting them go we open the door for others. ~ Cynthia Ann 

Gotta love yourself more than the other person. It’s the healthiest thing you can do. It may be difficult to see right now and that’s scary and you will find strength and courage in yourself you never thought you had. Miracles are happening. ~ Kathleen Levenson 

It’s better to have an empty space then one that filled with lies and deceptions. Not every book is filled with words some are just filled with pictures. ~ Majdi Ltm 

Don’t let one bad relationship spoil what you have to offer. Be true to yourself and who you are. You never know what’s around the corner, then you’ll look back and say “what was I thinking? What a waste of time”. ~ Anthony Black 

I will never let that happen again. ~ Cathy Childers 

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