Before you criticize his/her life walk a mile in my shoes. Remember everyone has a story.
Strong minds talk about ideas in life, dumbs talk about others but only brilliants minds goes in life living and learning.
People fail to see that although the road may seem dark at times, love, strength and something as simple as a kind word can truly turn someone’s life around. Let’s be kind to one another. ~ Elaine Mccaffrey
Your life is only what you make of it. If you have a sorry life you can only blame your self because you are the one that put yourself in that position. ~ Timothy Bailey
You’ll never know what others has gone through, until you put yourself in their shoe. That would be the time you’ll get to understand them. ~ Tems Lerio
The path we walk is not always smooth, the bumps are but bits of grit representing strong character. ~ Priscilla Field
If someone walked in my shoes for a day, they would for sure give them back in the morning. ~ Michelle Johnson
No one knows the extent of my road and what I have to fight every day and no one ever will. ~ Tink Thorndale
I just ignore what others say and how they judge me because I believe in myself. Why do they need to see how strong I am? When I don’t care about their judgement, I don’t care about anything else. Som shoes are mine and I keep walking/jogging/running. ~ Akshatha Bala
I rather not let any in my shoes. It’s my own life. It’s nobody choice of what I had to go through but my own. I’ll accept what God planned in my life. ~ Matrona Eknaty