Be with someone who is proud to have you

Be with someone who is proud to have you

Single until then and no problem being that way. Life is too short to be with someone who abuses you emotionally or physically. I will wait a lifetime for real love or just be alone. If I have family and self-love, that is all I will ever need until the time is right and God/Universe sends someone just right for me. ~ Sophia Eliza

Always go where you are celebrated not where you are tolerated.

When someone doesn’t appreciate you or value you as their significant over and is proud to have you, they are not keepers and be careful because they can start affecting your self worth. ~ Maria Mojica

I’ve put up a shield or wall once the right person breaks through they will find a caring loving woman who wants to love the right man, but until then I’ll be my own best friend. ~ Jane Blieu

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