Always remember the 3 Finger Rule

Always remember the 3 Finger Rule

No one is perfect. So you make life as perfect as you can. For some it starts with themselves by being caring and considerate. But not even that is perfect. But striving for perfection won’t stop. Not for me. ~ Laurie Carroll 

Clean up your own back yard before you try to clean up mine. Trust me cleaning up my own is a daily job.

Never try to be the judge of others, accept a person as he or she might be and hope that they will do the same with you. ~ Luther Nixon 

We all need to start with ourselves, before we even dare think of picking/judging someone else. ~ Sheri Parkin 

There are too many people out there that are quick to talk about others when they are far from perfect. ~ Stacey Olliffe 

See for yourself first before you judge other peoples life.

As humans, we all make mistakes, some consider some of our decisions mistakes, as sometimes we see them or view them differently, but none of us are perfect so we all need to remember that and accept each other regardless of our personal opinions. ~ Jamielynn Maxwell 

“Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” ~ John 8:7

I’ll judge another human being when I can look in the mirror and see no flaws. ~ Terry Phillips 

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