If someone wants to be a part of your Life

If someone wants to be a part of your Life

Done chasing people! If you want me in your life then come get me. ~ Emily Rose 

You can’t make them want to be there. If you’re always the one making the effort to connect, that is your sign and that goes for friendships as well as relationships. I’ve learned from both. ~ Cheryle Gauthier 

As the old saying goes you can bring a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. I always say, why would I want someone in my life if it’s forced. ~ Fern Leblanc 

Some people aren’t worth the effort anymore. You will have them if you try enough but it’s like surely I can manufacturer a computer in my home from scratch given enough time but why when I can put my efforts on more productive things and just buy a computer, to an open mind. There are infinite things that pull our attention and numerous people that may actually need us more than the ones we feel we need and we don’t know what’s out there for us so keep looking. There is always a chance for the better to happen even at the peak time and after all everyone is a stranger up until we meet them including the ones we loved. ~ Sahas Reddy 

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